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In a groundbreaking development, Samsung has announced the creation of the industry’s first low-power double data rate 5X (LPDDR5X) DRAM chip for AI applications. The new chip boasts high performance of up to 10.7 Gbps, marking a significant improvement in both speed and capacity compared to previous models.
Low-power, high-performance LPDDR chips are becoming increasingly important in the on-device AI market. Samsung’s latest LPDDR5X products, developed with 12 nanometer-class process technology, are the smallest in size among existing LPDDR chips, further cementing the company’s position as a leader in the low-power DRAM sector.
A company spokesperson stated, “Samsung will continue to innovate and deliver optimized products for the upcoming on-device AI era through close collaboration with customers.” Mass production of the LPDDR5X is set to commence in the second half of the year, pending verification by mobile application processor and device providers.
The unveiling of Samsung’s LPDDR5X DRAM chip represents a significant step forward in the field of AI technology. The chip’s impressive performance and capacity enhancements are expected to further drive the adoption of on-device AI solutions in various industries. This groundbreaking innovation is sure to set a new standard for memory solutions tailored for AI applications.
New Delhi, April 17 (IANS) – Zoho Founder and CEO, Sridhar Vembu, revealed that Prime Minister Narendra Modi expressed interest in Zoho’s rural development model in Tenkasi district, Tamil Nadu during his recent meeting. PM Modi praised the company’s efforts in creating high-tech capabilities and jobs in rural areas.
During an election rally in Ambasamudram, PM Modi met Vembu to discuss Zoho’s rural development through R&D model. Vembu expressed gratitude towards PM Modi for taking the time to understand and appreciate the company’s operations in Tenkasi as a model of rural development.
“PM Modi came to Ambasamudram which is close to my village. Even in the middle of his hectic campaign schedule, he gave me time to meet him and brief him on our rural development through R&D model and on creating high-tech capability and jobs in rural areas,” Vembu shared on social media.
Vembu highlighted that PM Modi showed keen interest in Zoho’s Tenkasi operations. He praised the Prime Minister’s leadership and expressed his support for his continued health and service to the nation. Zoho, founded in 1996 and headquartered in Chennai, employs over 15,000 individuals globally.
During his rally in Ambasamudram, PM Modi criticized the DMK in Tamil Nadu, alleging that they conspired with the Congress to hand over the Katchatheevu island to a foreign nation. PM Modi emphasized his commitment to developing a ‘Viksit Tamil Nadu’ along with a ‘Viksit Bharat’ for overall progress.
The interaction between PM Modi and Zoho’s CEO highlights the government’s interest in innovative rural development models like the one implemented by Zoho in Tenkasi district. The meeting signifies a recognition of the potential for high-tech job creation in rural areas leading to localized economic growth and development.
New Delhi, April 17 (IANS) Digital healthcare platform MediBuddy has announced that it has reached break-even with a marginal loss in the previous fiscal year, moving towards EBITDA neutrality. The company has seen a significant increase in its user base by 2.4 times over the last three years, serving close to 3 crore people with over 1 crore subscribers.
According to Satish Kannan, Co-founder and CEO of MediBuddy, “By leveraging technology, our platform enhances doctor-patient interactions, fueling remarkable growth and expanding healthcare access nationwide.” The company is now focusing on exploring mergers and acquisitions opportunities in key healthcare areas such as chronic disease management, mental health, diabetes, women’s care, and weight management, supported by an $18 million capital pool.
MediBuddy has a network of over 90,000 doctors across more than 22 specialities, and works with over 7,100 hospitals and clinics. The company has also onboarded over 10,000 hospitals and diagnostic centers for all radiology and pathology investigations. Kannan stated, “We empower doctors through our platform, offering accessible care via video consultations, hospital visits, clinics, pharmacy deliveries, and diagnostic services.”
The company’s commitment to innovation and technology has led to its break-even milestone, as it continues to focus on providing quality healthcare services to its growing user base. MediBuddy’s emphasis on enhancing doctor-patient interactions and expanding healthcare access has contributed to its success in achieving break-even status in the previous fiscal year.
New Delhi, April 17 (IANS) Gaming startup LightFury Games has successfully raised $8.5 million in its first fundraising round led by Blume Ventures and other key investors. The company plans to use the funds to develop AAA titles and attract top talent for their studios in India and the UK.
AAA games are known for their high level of polish and quality, typically developed by top gaming studios with significant financial and technical resources. CEO and Co-Founder of LightFury Games, Karan Shroff, stated, “The size of the gaming market in India is on the rise and it is an excellent time for us to bring our expertise into the industry.”
Shroff further added, “We intend to utilize the capital to hire top-tier talent in the country to put India on the global map.” Additional investors in the funding round include MIXI, Gemba Capital, and Angels, as well as individuals like Kunal Shah and Gaurav Munjal.
The startup was founded by Shroff, gaming industry veteran Anurag Banerjee, and Tina Balachandran, former executive of Unacademy and Tencent Games. Karthik Reddy, Co-Founder and Managing Partner at Blume Ventures, expressed excitement about the investment, stating that “the ability to piece together talent and bring in believers from the gaming and consumer universe make it one of our most exciting investments we’ve made in this space.”
LightFury Games is poised to make a significant impact in the gaming industry with the recent fundraising success and plans to develop top-tier AAA titles in both India and the UK. The company’s focus on attracting top talent and expertise highlights their commitment to putting India on the global gaming map.
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