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Bollywood actress Deepika Padukone has taken up embroidery as a new hobby while she awaits the arrival of her baby with husband Ranveer Singh. Sharing a picture of her artwork on social media, the actress hinted that her busy schedule may hinder her from completing the piece.
The picture shared by Deepika Padukone shows a less-than-half-done piece of embroidery, with the actress expressing hope to share the completed version. Despite her uncertain consistency, she seems to be enjoying the process of embroidery as a creative outlet.
On the work front, Deepika Padukone has several projects lined up for release, including the star-studded film ‘Kalki 2898 AD’ with Amitabh Bachchan, Prabhas, and Kamal Haasan. The movie, which combines Indian mythology with sci-fi elements, is expected to be a grand cinematic experience for audiences.
As Deepika Padukone explores her new hobby and balances her professional commitments, fans eagerly await updates on both her personal and professional life. The versatile actress continues to impress with her dedication to craft and creativity in various ventures.
Famous livestreamer Thomas “TommyInnit” has become a hot topic in the media due to discussions about his sexuality. Recently, on April 15th, he was invited by fellow content creator Tobias “Tubbo” to appear in his “Tubbathon” livestream.
During their conversation, they touched upon various subjects. At one point, Tubbo asked to use the “F-slur,” to which TommyInnit responded:
“(Tubbo says, ‘The F-slur. I’ll say, ‘F,’ and then you say the last two letters.’) I’m bi-curious, so I guess I could say, like, a fifth of it. Hear that? You gots.”
Minecraft star TommyInnit discusses his sexuality with Tobias “Tubbo”
Upon hearing Tommy’s response, Tobias burst into laughter, and Tommy further added:
“That’s one of the jokes I wrote for my stand-up. So, I kind of spoiled that. But hey… (Tubbo replies, ‘That’s awesome! ‘Hear that? You gots’ is crazy!’). I can say a fifth because I am probably, probably bi. But I can’t be for sure. So, I’m, like, a little… I’m like a fifth right now.”
To which, Tubbo says-
“Well, you know, there are websites for that.”
TommyInnit is a famous internet personality, best known for his Minecraft gameplay and livestreams. He started his Twitch channel in 2016 and has since amassed 7.3 million followers, primarily due to his gaming skills and charming personality.
Throughout his internet career, he has won numerous awards and accolades, including the Best Minecraft Streamer award at Twitch star Blaire “Cinderella’s” The Streamer Awards in 2022.
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Additionally, online reports indicate that he has spent approximately 1,258 hours playing the survival game developed by Mojang Studios. Originally from Nottingham, United Kingdom, Tommy has played many popular games, including Fortnite, Emily is Away, Terraria, and PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds (PUBG).
Famous TikTok personality Daniel Larson clarified on Sunday that he is alive and well. The move came after his social media section was filled with comments like ‘RIP’.
Daniel first came into the limelight when one of his videos went viral on the internet. ‘RIP’ messages were in such volume that he had to urge his fans to stop sending him condolence messages.
Daniel Larson Alive: TikTok Star Clears Up Death Rumors
Apart from that, the news of his death also caused fans to be concerned about his well-being. On his social media, he posted back-to-back reels showing his frustration over fake death videos.
“I need the fans to stop saying rip to me in the comments now!”
In another video, he states:
“If the fans don’t stop saying rip major escalation will occur.”
On Sunday, thousands of his fans started flooding his comment section when the rumor about his death started to gain momentum in the media.
Daniel Larson is a social media influencer and songwriter. He likes to call himself a fashion influencer. Daniel has garnered a massive fanbase on various social media platforms solely based on his talent. Originally hailing from Denver, Colorado, United States.
Daniel often becomes a target of the media due to unpredictable behavior in the past. In the media, many claim that he suffers from mental health problems and was taken into police custody in the past.
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However, the authenticity of such claims has never been verified by relevant sources. He first made a prominent impact on TikTok and used his fame to expand his status on other social media platforms.
Who is Natalie Viscuso?
Natalie Viscuso is a Hollywood studio executive and actress known for her appearance on MTV’s My Super Sweet 16 in 2005. She was born in Los Angeles, California, and later moved to La Jolla, California, with her father. Natalie is the vice president of Roy Lee’s Vertigo Entertainment, and she previously held positions at Legendary Entertainment and the Weinstein Company. She graduated from the University of Southern California’s School of Cinematic Arts in 2011.
Is Natalie Viscuso Dating Anyone?
Yes, Natalie Viscuso is currently in a relationship with actor Henry Cavill. They made their relationship public in April 2021 and have been spotted together at various events since then.
Who is Natalie Viscuso’s Boyfriend?
Natalie Viscuso’s girlfriend is Henry Cavill, known for his roles in movies like “Man of Steel” and “Enola Holmes.” The couple has been together for over two years and frequently shares glimpses of their relationship on social media.
Natalie Viscuso Family: Parents?
Natalie Viscuso was born to Michael Viscuso and Tammie Kay Baumann. Her parents were married but later divorced. Natalie is an only child and has no siblings. She lost her mother to cancer in August 2017.
Natalie Viscuso’s Career?
Natalie Viscuso is a successful Hollywood executive, currently serving as the vice president of Vertigo Entertainment. She has also worked for Legendary Entertainment and the Weinstein Company in various capacities related to scripted television. Natalie graduated from the University of Southern California’s School of Cinematic Arts in 2011.
Natalie Viscuso Net Worth?
Natalie Viscuso has accumulated a net worth of nearly $800 thousand through her decade-long career in the entertainment industry. Her roles at Vertigo Entertainment, Legendary Entertainment, and the Weinstein Company have contributed to her financial success.
Natalie Viscuso: Height and Weight?
Natalie Viscuso stands tall at 5 feet 9 inches (1.75 meters) and weighs approximately 64 kilograms (141 pounds). Her physical characteristics, along with her long blonde hair and glasses, contribute to her stunning appearance.
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